Dr Hamideh Khanbareh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, UK

Ferroelectrics for Application in Medical devices, Energy and Environment
FAME2 Research Group aims to create the next generation of ferroelectric materials for sensing and energy harvesting by utilising expertise in the manufacture, modelling and characterisation of electroactive materials. We formulate new materials, create and optimise novel microstructures, and develop manufacturing processes for the design and manufacture of high performance piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials.
Hamideh is an Assistant Professor and a Prize Fellow in Materials and Structures Centre (MAST), within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Bath. She has completed her PhD in June 2016 in the Novel Aerospace Materials group within the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. She is a materials scientist with extensive research and development expertise in design, synthesis, characterization and modelling of piezo- and pyroelectric materials. Hamideh is affiliated with the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies (CSCT), Centre for Advanced Sensor Technologies (CAST), Centre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices (C3Bio) and Centre for Regenerative Medicine

Research summary
Our research focuses on the development of inorganic and organic ferroelectric materials, that are engineered with respect to their chemical composition as well as the structure at the micro-scale, for functionally optimised next generation of sensors and energy harvesters. We are focusing on development of bio-compatible lead free materials, porous ceramics as well as large-area flexible composites. Synthesis, characterisation and modelling the behavior of the newly developed materials are among our core activities.

Main interests
Ferroelectric materials, processing, characterisation and modelling
Micro-structure property relations of porous piezoelectric ceramics
Piezo- and pyro-catalysis for water treatment
Ferroelctrics for tissue engineering and medical devices
Multi-functional electroceramic-polymer composites
Multiferroic materials for energy
Current research projects

Peer reviewed journal papers
Roscow, J., Pearce, H., Khanbareh, H., Kar-Narayan, S., Bowen, C.R., Modified energy harvesting figures of merit for stress-and strain-driven piezoelectric systems, , The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228 (7), 1537-1554
Zhang, Y., Bowen, C.R., Ghosh, S.K., Mandal, D., Khanbareh, H., Arafa, H., Wan, C., Ferroelectret materials and devices for energy harvesting applications, Nano Energy, Vol. 57, pp. 118-140, 2019.
Xie, M., Zhang, Y., Kraśny, M., Bowen, C., Khanbareh, H., Gathercole, N., Flexible and active self-powered pressure, shear sensors based on freeze casting ceramic–polymer composites, Energy Environ. Sci., Vol. 11, pp. 2919-2927, 2018.
Zhang, Y., Roscow, J., Lewis, R., Khanbareh, H., Topolov, V.Y., Xie, M., Bowen, C.R. Understanding the effect of porosity on the polarisation-field response of ferroelectric materials, Acta. Mater. Acta Materialia, Vol. 54, pp. 100-112, 2018.
Zhang, Y., Xie, M., Adamaki, V., Khanbareh, H., Bowen, C.R. Control of electrochemical processes using energy harvesting materials and devices, Chemical Society Reviews, Vol. 46, Issue. 24, pp.7757-7786, 2017.
Khanbareh, H., Hegde, M. Bijlevelod, C.V. van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A. Functionally graded ferroelectric polyetherimide composites for high temperature sensing, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 5, Issue 36, pp. 9389-9397, 2017.
Khanbareh, H., de Boom, K., van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A., Highly sensitive piezo particulate polymer foam composites for robotic skin application, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 215, No. 1 pp. 25-33, 2017.
Khanbareh, H., de Boom, K., Scharr, R.B.N., Wang, C.C.L., van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A., Large area and exible micro-porous piezoelectric materials for soft robotic skin, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 263, pp. 554-562, 2017.
Khanbareh, H., van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A., In-situ poling and structurization of particulate piezoelectric composites, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 28, Issue. 18, pp. 2467-2472, 2017.
Shaji, A. , James, N. K., Khanbareh, H., van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A., Structure, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of soft doped PZT ceramics across the phase diagram, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 504, pp. 160-171, 2016.
Gutierrez, M.A., Khanbareh, H., van der Zwaag, S., Computational modelling of structure formation during dielectrophoresis in particulate composites, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 112, Part A, 1 pp. 139146, 2016.
Khanbareh, H., Schelen, B., van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A., A multi-mode temperature oscillation instrument based on discrete sampled data and mathematical lock-in method to determine pyroelectric properties of materials at low frequencies, Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 86, Issue 10, pp. 105111, 2015.
Khanbareh, H., van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A., Piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties of conductive lead-titanate polyethylene oxide composites, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 24, No. 04, pp. 045020, 2015.
Khanbareh, H. , van der Zwaag, S., Groen, W. A., Effect of dielectrophoretic structuring on piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties of lead titanate-epoxy composites, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, pp. 105030, 2014.
Chen, H., Gamsjager, E., Schider, S., Khanbareh, H., van der Zwaag, S., In situ observation of austeniteferrite interface migration in a lean Mn steel during cyclic partial phase transformations, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61, Issue 7, pp. 2414-2424, 2013.
Khanbareh, H., Wu, X., van der Zwaag, S., Analysis of the fractal dimension of grain boundaries of AA7050 Aluminum alloys and its relationship to fracture toughness, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 47, pp. 6246-6253, 2012.
Mahmudi, R., Geranmayeh, A.R., Khanbareh, H. and Jahangiri, N., Indentation creep of Lead-free Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Bi solder alloys, Materials and Design, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 574-580, 2009.
Mahmudi, R., Geranmayeh, A.R., Noori, H., Khanbareh, H. and Jahangiri, N., A comparison of impression, indentation and impression-relaxation creep of Lead-free Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Bi solders at room temperature, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 312-318, 2009.
Mahmudi, R., Geranmayeh, A.R., Noori, H., Jahangiri, N. and Khanbareh, H., Effect of cooling rate on the room temperature impression. Creep of Lead-free Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Bi solders, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 487, No. 1-2, pp. 20-25, 2008.
Mahmudi, R., Geranmayeh, A.R., Noori, H., Khanbareh, H. and Jahangiri, N. 2010, Effect of isothermal aging on room temperature impression creep of Lead free Sn-9Zn and Sn-8Zn-3Bi solders, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 1001-1007, 2008.

Team members
Holly Pearce
Post-Graduate Student
Holly completed her four year Masters in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Sheffield in 2017. Her final year project focused on the electrical properties of ceramics within the sodium bismuth-niobate sodium bismuth titanate system. With an interest sparked in electro-ceramics and energy conservation, she is now working on her PhD at the University of Bath on ferroelectrics for energy harvesting applications. Her research is funded by the EPSRC and conducted within the Mechanical Engineering department. Holly won the IOM3 best student Prize in 2017.

Vlad Jarkov
Post-Graduate Student
Vlad is a Post-Graduate student within the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies (CSCT) working on his MRes project to develop biodegradable piezoelectric implants for neuron regeneration. His project is in collaboration between mechanical, chemical engineering and the department of biology.
Rory Gold
MEng Student
Rory is a Final Year Mechanical Engineering Student at the University of Bath with a keen interest in Additive Manufacturing and it's application within Medical Engineering and Orthopaedics. He is going to develop Additively Manufactured Piezoelectric Scaffolds for CNS Tissue Regeneration. In his free time he likes to run, and tries to play the guitar.

Santheep Sitharan
MEng Student
Santheep is a Final Year Mechanical Engineering Student working on development of biodegredable piezoelectric scaffolds in collaboration with Dr Mathew Jones, Department of Chemistry.

Aleksandar Penev
IMEE BEng student
Aleks is working on biocompatible ceramic-polymer composites for musculoskeletal cell regeneration in collaboration with Professor Sarah Cartmell, University of Manchester.

Mudar Moiz
MEng Student
Mudar Bin Moiz is from Malaysia and is pursuing his Masters in Mechanical Engineering at University of Bath. He is currently involved in a project to develop a chargeable shoe using piezoelectric materials. He also holds a Petronas educational scholarship.

Group Alumni
Veranika Klimovich, University of Bath, MEng, 2017, Thesis: Thermal energy harvesting in satellites.
Yi Chour Han, University of Bath, MEng, 2017, Thesis: Mechanical characterization of soft robotic skin.
Izam Zakaria, University of Bath, BEng, 2017, Thesis: Harvesting energy from engine exhaust gases using pyroelectric technology.
Hao Wang, University of Bath, MSc, 2017, Thesis: Smart car tyre.
Eva Stergiou, University of Bath, BEng, 2017, Thesis: Synthesis and characterization of lead free piezoelectric ceramics.
Materials processing
Being kindly hosted by NEMESIS Labs, we have access to a wide range of materials processing techniques​, mainly regarding ceramics and composites. Equipment include:
Vacuum oven (Gallenkamp, 200C)
Furnace (Lenton)
Freeze dryer (mini Lyotrap)
​Roll bench (Capco test equipment)
Hydraulic press (Beckman)
High temp furnace (Carbolite furnaces)
Corona poling station
Dielectrophoresis set-up

Physical testing
A wide range of dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric measurement devices are available in our labs:
Berlincourt meter (piezo systems)
LCR meter (HP, HewlettPackard, 4263B)
Ferroelectric tester (Radianttechnologies, RT66B)
Impedance anlyzer (Solatron, SI 1260)
Precision impedance analyzer (Agilent 4294A 40Hz-110MHz)
DMA (Tritec2000)
Mechanical testing
Being hosted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering we have access to a wide range of mechanical testing instruments.

We have access to the unique facilities within Microscopy and Analysis Suite that provides electron microscopes with X-ray analysis, confocal laser scanning, high content, raman and scanning probe microscopes within University of Bath.


Silent Sensors
Silent Sensors Limited, an Internet of Things company, focusing on tyres and tyre management.

The Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) is a UK based technology innovation center offering world class, open access capability for the scale up and commercialization of new, innovative printed electronic products and applications.

Electro-mechanical devices, a UK-based company focusing on energy harvesting technologies for ultra-low power electronics.

Weir is a Glasgow based company, operating in over 70 countries focused on mining, oil and gas and power markets.

Professor Ciofani from Italian Institute of Technology working on nano-medicine.

Southern Federal University
Professor Topolov from Department of Physics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.

Graduate Course
Materials selection for engineering and design.
3rd year unit in Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath.
Graduate course
Composite materials, mechanical analysis.
Final year unit in Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath.
Undergrad course
Design Synthesis Exercise.
Under-graduate nal project, Designing an imaging satellite
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology.
Professional board memberships
Institute of Physics, 2019-present.
UK Society of Biomaterials, 2018-present.
Directed Assembly Network, member, 2017-present.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), member, 2017-present.
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), Smart Materials & Systems (SMASC), board member, 2016-present.
IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (IEEE-UFFC), member, 2015-present.
Sharing Knowledge
Building molecules using grapes and cheese
An activity for 9-10 year old pupils, which involves building models using grapes and cheese. We build carbon dioxide molecules, glucose, and them polymerized glucose into a starch. Once the whole polymer was built, we talked about how human bodies digest starch and how it would be broken down by body when we eat starch. 60 pupil participated in this hands-on activity at Combe Down Primary School.

Crystal garden growing
Three scientists spent a morning with year 3 students of Combe down primary school to talk about science and show them how to grow a colorful so-called crystal garden in a few minutes. Dr Asel Sartbaeva (Department of Chemistry), Dr Stephen Wells (Department of Chemical Engineering) and Dr Hamideh Khanbareh (Department of Mechanical Engineering). We talked about different salts, their colour, their application in daily life and how to use them to make new materials. The excitement of the students was beyond description.

Women in Materials
April 2018
The 2018 Spring Women in Materials (WIM) seminar on careers, mentoring and networking took place at the Rolls-Royce Filton Horizon Hall in Bristol, UK, on 18 April.
The event, which was open to members and non-members, was a great success. The programme included talks from Elle Clarke, Hamideh Khanbareh, Alicia Chrysostomou and Fiona Robinson, among others.

International Women in Engineering day
June 25, 2018
Hamideh speaking about material science and her continuing journey into engineering.

Group News
Open positions
PhD position on hierarchically designed piezoelectric energy harvesting materials
Supervisors: Dr Hamideh Khanbareh, Dr James Roscow, Professor Chris Bowen
Industrial partner: Silent Sensors (https://www.silentsensors.com/)
PhD position on pyro-catalysis in automobile engine exhaust emissions
The development of new approaches to reduce pollutant levels in automobile exhaust emissions is crucial for a sustainable future. Pyroelectric materials convert thermal energy into electricity and have attracted significant attention due to appealing catalytic properties. These materials display a rich variety of surface chemical interactions due to their polar structures that can drive chemical reactions. This PhD will collaborate with Ionix Advanced Technologies to synthesis the first generation of pyro-catalytics capable of decomposing hazardous emission compounds efficiently over a wide temperature range to replace current expensive rare-earth catalysts. The pyroelectric materials will be tailored to have maximum activity in the temperature range of exhaust emissions.
Supervisors: Dr Hamideh Khanbareh, Dr James Roscow, Professor Chris Bowen
Industrial partner: Ionix Advanced Technologies (https://ionixadvancedtechnologies.co.uk/)
PhD position on high temperature autonomous sensors for automotive applications
Advanced sensors are key to the development of low emission and self-drive vehicles and a distributed sensor network can provide information on vibration, noise and battery/engine temperature to optimise performance during operation or charging. Ferroelectrics are excellent candidates for self-powered sensors due to their pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties, since they develop a voltage in response to a change in temperature or strain. Whilst existing commercial materials can only operate at temperatures below 200°C, this project will collaborate with Ionix Advanced Technologies to develop automotive sensors capable of operation at 200-600°C using a new generation of high Curie temperature bismuth-based ceramics.
Supervisors: Dr James Roscow, Dr Hamideh Khanbareh, Professor Chris Bowen
Industrial partner: Ionix Advanced Technologies (https://ionixadvancedtechnologies.co.uk/)

Get in Touch
Contact Hamideh regarding their published work, current vacancies or any other inquires.